tunel.launcher package



tunel.launcher.base module

class tunel.launcher.base.ContainerLauncher(server, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Launcher

A container launcher has shared functions for launching a head node container.


A Singularity app means running a container directly with some arguments, etc.

class tunel.launcher.base.Launcher(server, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A launcher is a base for executing commands.

property assets
property assets_dir
property environ

Get envars


Given a list of needed modules, return for an app to load

property home

Get (or create) a local home

property path

Get additions to the path

prepare_render(app, paths)[source]

Given an app, prepare default variables (and custom args) to render

property remote_assets_dir
property remote_home

Get (or create) a remote home

property remote_sockets

Get a remote sockets directory

property remote_work

Get a remote work (must exist)

run(*args, **kwargs)[source]
run_app(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Given a local script, copy to cluster, run, and return the result

scp_get(src, dest)[source]

Copy an asset FROM the server to local assets

property slug
stop(*args, **kwargs)[source]
stop_app(*args, **kwargs)[source]
property username

Get the username


Write a temporary script to file

tunel.launcher.singularity module

class tunel.launcher.singularity.Singularity(server, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ContainerLauncher

name = 'singularity'
run(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Run handles some command to singularity (e.g., run or exec)

tunel.launcher.singularity.post_commands(ssh, app, socket)[source]

tunel.launcher.slurm module

class tunel.launcher.slurm.Slurm(server, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Launcher

A slurm launcher interacts with slurm

get_machine(name, max_attempts=None)[source]

Given the name of a job, wait for the job to start and return the machine

property modules_file
property nodes_file

Check to see if a previous job was submit/exists.


Print extra sessions with forward instructions.

print_updated_logs(logs_prefix, app, socket)[source]

Start a separate thread that regularly checks and prints logs (when there is an updated line)

run(cmd, job_name=None, logs_prefix=None, app=None, socket=None)[source]

Run a command for slurm, typically sbatch (and eventually with supporting args)


Given an app designated for slurm, run it!


print to the screen how to see currently running logs


Stop one or more named jobs


Wrapper to stop a single app.

tunel.launcher.slurm.post_commands(ssh, app, logs_prefix, socket)[source]

Post commands to show logs and any commands->post defined by the app

Module contents

tunel.launcher.get_launcher(app, launcher=None)[source]

Get a launcher for a loaded app