
Launcher: slurm

A Jupyter notebook intended to be run with a slurm job, interactive via a socket.


$ tunel run-app <server> slurm/socket/jupyter


Name Description Split By
workdir Working directory for the notebook NA
jupyterlab Try running jupyterlab instead (e,g. set to true to enable) NA
modules comma separated list of modules to load ,

If split by is provided, this means the argument takes a list, and you should use this as a delimiter.


  • socket



This app uses the slurm launcher by default.


JOB_NAME="{{ jobname }}"
SOCKET_DIR="{{ scriptdir }}"
mkdir -p ${SOCKET_DIR}

# Set WORKDIR, first to args.workdir, then settings.yml workdir, then $HOME
{% include "bash/" %}

echo "Job is ${JOB_NAME}"
echo "Socket directory is ${SOCKET_DIR}"
echo "Notebook working directory is ${WORKDIR}"

# Create .local folder for default modules, if doesn't exist
{% include "bash/python/" %}

# Remove socket if exists
{% include "bash/socket/" %}

# Load modules requested by user
{% for module in args.modules %}module load {{ module }} || printf "Could not load {{ module }}\n"
{% endfor %}

# Add variables to PATH
{% for path in paths %}export PATH={{ path }}:${PATH}
{% endfor %}

printf "jupyter notebook --no-browser --sock ${SOCKET}\n"
{% if args.jupyterlab %}export JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes{% endif %}
jupyter {% if args.jupyterlab %}lab{% else %}notebook{% endif %} --no-browser --sock ${SOCKET}

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