8 apps.
github launcher app description
GITHUB htcondor htcondor/job A simple example to launch an HTCondor job (to sleep)
GITHUB singularity singularity/socket/code-server Work on files on your remote machine via VS Code in the browser, all via unix sockets
GITHUB singularity singularity/socket/jupyter A singularity jupyter notebook or lab to run directly on a remote (e.g., head node)
GITHUB slurm slurm/port/jupyter A Jupyter notebook intended to be run with a slurm job, interactive via a port
GITHUB slurm slurm/socket/jupyter A Jupyter notebook intended to be run with a slurm job, interactive via a socket.
GITHUB slurm slurm/socket/singularity-jupyter A jupyter notebook (or lab) intended to be run in a Singularity container.
GITHUB singularity socket/tunel-django An example Django application run via a Singularity container.
GITHUB singularity xserver/neurodesk Launch neurodesk (or an associated application)