$ tunel run-app <server> slurm/socket/singularity-jupyter
Name | Description | Split By |
jupyterlab | Try running jupyterlab instead (e,g. set to true to enable) | NA |
workdir | Working directory for the notebook | NA |
modules | comma separated list of modules to load | , |
If split by is provided, this means the argument takes a list, and you should use this as a delimiter.
- socket
This app uses the slurm launcher by default.
JOB_NAME="{{ jobname }}"
SOCKET_DIR="{{ scriptdir }}"
mkdir -p ${SOCKET_DIR}
# Include Singularity cachedir if not set
{% include "bash/singularity/" %}
# Working Directory
NOTEBOOK_DIR={% if args.workdir %}{{ args.workdir }}{% else %}$HOME{% endif %}
echo "Job is ${JOB_NAME}"
echo "Socket directory is ${SOCKET_DIR}"
echo "Notebook working directory is ${NOTEBOOK_DIR}"
# Create .local folder for default modules, if doesn't exist
{% include "bash/python/" %}
# Remove socket if exists
{% include "bash/socket/" %}
# Load modules requested by user
{% for module in args.modules %}module load {{ module }} || printf "Could not load {{ module }}\n"
{% endfor %}
# Add variables to PATH
{% for path in paths %}export PATH={{ path }}:${PATH}
{% endfor %}
# Just pull to tmp for now so cleaned up
CONTAINER="{% if args.container %}{{ args.container }}{% else %}docker://jupyter/datascience-notebook{% endif %}"
# First effort
if command -v singularity &> /dev/null
printf "singularity pull ${SIF} ${CONTAINER}\n"
singularity pull ${SIF} ${CONTAINER}
# In case doesn't exist yet
mkdir -p $HOME/.jupyter
printf "singularity exec --home ${HOME} --bind ${HOME}/.local:/home/jovyan/.local ${CONTAINER} jupyter notebook --no-browser --sock ${SOCKET}\n"
singularity exec {% if args.jupyterlab %}--env JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes{% endif %} --home ${HOME} --bind ${HOME}/.local:/home/jovyan/.local --bind ${HOME}/.jupyter:/home/jovyan/.jupyter "${CONTAINER}" jupyter {% if args.jupyterlab %}lab{% else %}notebook{% endif %} --no-browser --sock ${SOCKET}
printf "Singularity is not available.\n"
Have any questions, or want to request a new app or launcher? Ask us!